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We offer no-cost and confidential pregnancy services so you can be sure of where your pregnancy stands. Don't go at it alone. We're here to support you and inform you about the pregnancy confirmation process.

Think you’re pregnant and not sure when to take a test? Or maybe you received a positive pregnancy test result but aren’t sure if it’s accurate. We’re here to help you better understand the pregnancy testing process and offer no-cost pregnancy tests at Still Waters Pregnancy Center. Don’t do this process alone.

An ultrasound is your next step to pregnancy confirmation after receiving a positive pregnancy test result. After receiving a positive pregnancy test result with us, get clarity about your pregnancy details with an ultrasound referral.

If you’ve had an abortion and are experiencing feelings of regret or loss, you’re not alone. Others have had similar experiences–and they’ve found healing. While no woman’s abortion experience is identical, studies have shown that adverse mental health effects like depression and grief can also occur after abortion. You don’t have to figure out this recovery process alone.

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