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Are you considering parenting? All new parents have doubts and fears about raising a child. It seems overwhelming and even impossible for some. 

With the support and knowledge of others, parenting is possible and even rewarding. The rewards far outweigh the challenges that come with parenting for the first time.

Do I Have What It Takes?

Is parenting right for you? The answer may feel complicated. It’s important to ask yourself what resources you have to raise a child, including:

  • Food 
  • Clothing
  • A dependable income
  • Ability to provide a good education
  • A safe, stable environment
  • Ability to access and provide medical care
  • Support system (especially if you’d be a single parent)

You may still need answers to determine what you’d need to parent successfully. Our caring team at Still Waters Pregnancy Center helps you weigh the pros and cons of parenting. We also provide community referrals and material resources to help you parent successfully. 

Parenting in School

It is possible to parent a child and remain in school or college. In fact, it’s essential to get a good education for the sake of your child and yourself. 

Successfully parenting is possible with a strong support network, community resources, and determination. These days, there are many online schooling options to choose from to continue your education while also parenting.

No-Cost Parenting Support

For any pregnancy option you choose, you will need to confirm your pregnancy before making a final decision. We offer no-cost and confidential pregnancy tests and ultrasound referrals so you can be sure about your pregnancy.

Once you’ve confirmed your pregnancy, receive a free options consultation to learn more about your options. Schedule a no-cost appointment to begin with an initial pregnancy appointment, and we can go from there.

We’re here for you every step of the way. Do your best to breathe and take it one step at a time.

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