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Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, many people have been confused about what this verdict meant for the United States. 

Every state, including Texas, was affected by this decision. State lawmakers will continue to change abortion laws according to the views of those who vote them into office.

What Does This Decision Mean?

In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled that it was a constitutional right for women to have an elective abortion without requiring a health-endangerment diagnosis.

Since June 2022, the Court revoked its original 1973 decision and stated it would be up to each state to determine abortion laws. 

Citizens in each state have the right to elect delegates to speak for them on this issue. The people may now make their thoughts and opinions on abortion known at the voting booths.

Is Abortion Available in Texas?

Previously, Texas had a 6-week ban on abortion because around six weeks after conception, the pregnancy develops a heartbeat. 

As of May 2024, the state of Texas bans abortion and only allows it in cases where the life of the mother is at risk. The woman on whom the abortion is performed cannot be held criminally or civilly liable. 

Private citizens can sue abortion providers and those who assist patients seeking an abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy.

Traveling for Abortion

It’s important to understand your pregnancy details if you are considering traveling for an abortion. Contact us to help you get answers about your pregnancy and options. We’re here to answer any questions you may have.  

No-Cost Pregnancy Services 

Safeguard your health by confirming your pregnancy with a no-cost pregnancy test and possible ultrasound referral at Still Waters Pregnancy Center today.

An ultrasound is vital to knowing your abortion options and detecting any possible complications.

Whether you choose abortion or not, you have the right to be fully informed to make a confident and safe decision for your future. 

Schedule a no-cost appointment with us to begin pregnancy confirmation and learn more about your pregnancy options.

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